Advanced Solid Tumors
This is a study evaluating the safety, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of MK-1084 alone, and MK-1084 plus other combination therapies in participants with advanced solid tumors with identified kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog G12C (KRAS G12C) mutation.
EU CT Number
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Only a qualified healthcare professional can determine if you are eligible to take part in a clinical trial. However, this information may be useful in starting a conversation with your doctor.
Advanced Solid Tumors
Age Range
Investigational medication is tested for safety on a relatively small group of 20 to 100 volunteers who are usually healthy, but not always. Phase 1 trials may happen in a doctor’s office or a hospital.
Locations shown may have changed in some cases. Please call the number listed in the location results to confirm the nearest trial site. Talk with a trial site member for more information.
If you think this clinical trial might be a good fit and you are interested in taking part, take the next step to see if you are eligible.
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Talk to your doctor about the clinical trial before you decide to join.
Read our “What to Consider” page for more questions to ask and think about